Limitless Vitality is possible at any age

Science-backed functional nutrition strategies to own your age & feel younger from the inside out.

The best time to invest in your health was 20 years ago. The second best time is NOW.

You Deserve Better

  • You can't put a finger on why you seem to be dragging. Where did all your energy go? And, no, this is not normal despite what your conventional lab work might be telling you. You're longing for a glimpse of the more vibrant you.

  • You've talked to your doctor, and your labs say you're normal...but, you don't feel great. You want to take action, but you're just not sure where to start.

  • Despite your best efforts, those extra pounds around your midsection just won’t budge. It’s frustrating and demoralizing to see little progress despite making healthy choices. You're looking for a solution that works with your body, not against it.

  • Have a family member who struggled with chronic illness or devastating diagnosis? You don't have to repeat your family history. You actually have more control than you think with your every day decisions.

Ways to Age in Reverse with Leslie

RW Collective Membership by Leslie Bumpas

Get exclusive access through this dynamic membership. This unique community offers personalized guidance, monthly teaching sessions on essential health topics, and interactive "Ask Me Anything" calls.


Self-Paced Limitless Vitality Experience (LVE)

The most comprehensive solution to ditch belly fat, enjoy vibrant energy, and gain a vivacious healthy glow so you can sail through life with confidence and grace.


Private 1:1 Coaching and Assessments with Leslie

Hands-on support, in person or virtual, from your very own Functional Nutritional Therapist! Get priority access to my expert guidance to meet all of your vitality goals.


For me, being a Functional Nutritional Therapist isn’t just about changing diet and lifestyle choices, it’s about leaving behind a legacy of change—especially for women. 

I have been refining my LIMITLESS VITALITY EXPERIENCE protocol with women since I started as a practitioner more than a decade ago. The results speak for themselves. Women’s lives are radically changed when they drop the belief in age-related decline and take full control of their health. 

I’m proud to say that I personally implement all of these strategies while creating a life of stress-free abundance with my husband, Scott, as we chase our 5 young grandchildren and 2 bernadoodles. If I can do this—you can too! 

Meet Leslie, FNTP

“Do I feel better after working with Leslie? You bet!! 

I was able to drop 7 lbs in the 2.5 months working with her. But it became evident when I went to my annual doctor’s visit about a month after finishing LVE. All of my bloodwork had improved. I attribute my good numbers to Leslie getting me on track! Every so often we need a Guardian Angel in our corner and Leslie was that for me.”


A month after Leslie’s LVE program and adjusting my habits consistently, I had blood drawn again and my annual checkup was the best I have had in years! 

There were no red flags in my bloodwork and my doctor was amazed. I am so glad my eyes have been opened to just making some habit changes and now my life is energized and fulfilling. I feel incredible.


“LVE is such a comprehensive, life-transforming experience and not just another program (of which I’ve done many in my 58 years)! 

I definitely feel like I’m getting a lot of bang for my buck. You can get bits and pieces of this, even going to a functional allopathic type practitioner…but it can drag on too long and I don't have time for slow-mo! I need to figure this out and start habit-stacking in 10 weeks because I want to get healthier for my 60’s/70’s and beyond. I’m all in on that. In light of what I discovered with my blood panel results, that alone was worth its weight in gold.


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Asked & Answered

When it comes to getting to a healthy weight (and effortlessly maintaining it) depends on the synergy of specific hormones. These are critical hormones that play a major role in controlling your eating, appetite, fat-burning, and weight gain. In this video, I break it all down!

Life is not a dress rehearsal!

Schedule a FREE Consult to see how you can live with LIMITLESS VITALITY every day.

I’d be honored to help get you on the path to feeling and looking your best. Too many of us settle and blame the passing of time for extra pounds and lost energy. That’s a cop out! We CAN do the essential work to elevate our health so that we shine for ourselves and those we love. Small hinges swing big doors!

Let’s talk about the little changes that can get you big results.

See you in your FREE consult!